Install your preferred C compiler compatible with the gnu11 standard using your OS's package manager (e.g.Regardless of the option you end up choosing, please make sure your PATH environment variable has been properly updated!.Modify the Makefiles to use wsl.exe before each Unix command call.Install the gcc package by using the sudo apt update and sudo apt install gcc commands.Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) distribution of your preference (I'll assume you chose Ubuntu).Install TDM-GCC and devkitPro + MSYS2, or.

There are a few ways to achieve this under Windows: A collection of Unix/Linux utilities such as make, mkdir, rm, ar and cp, as well as a gnu11 standard compliant C compiler, are needed to build this project.Windows (should you really bother? 32-bit binaries are provided): Output split DLC WADs will hold content #0 + "content count" contents. If a single content is missing or has a wrong hash, theįurthermore, the total content count minus 1 must be a multiple of the provided content count. In the content records section from the TMD. The input WAD package must hold a TMD with a valid signature, as well as all the contents referenced Dlc-wad-splitter v0.1 (c) DarkMatterCore.